Sunday, April 12, 2020

Welcome to Studio Artist Tutorials

I thought it made sense to startup a new information resource for Synthetik Software Studio Artist users. This new site is going to focus on tutorial posts that help explain some of the vast visual effect functionality Studio Artist offers digital artists.

So, over time a series of new Studio Artist tutorials will be posted here. You can take advantage of the comments section here to ask questions about specific tutorials.

There are also other Studio Artist resources you can take advantage of.  We'll detail some of them for you below.

The Studio Artist User Forum provides an online community for Studio Artist users. 

You can post your Studio Artist created Artwork in our User Forum photo and video galleries. You can ask questions and get responses from Synthetik Software and other Studio Artist users. You can build your own personal home page devoted to your Studio Artist artwork.

The Studio Artist Tips site provides useful 'getting started' documentation on different parts of Studio Artist. So if you want to learn about some part of Studio Artist, this is a good place to look first.

The Studio Artist Knowledge Base is a blog that hosts quite a few articles on specific project related things you can do using Studio Artist. Specific topic areas covered include the following:
Abstract Art, Auto Rotoscoping - Video EFX - Animation, Bezier Curves, Colorizing, Compositing, Dual Mode Painting, Gallery Show, Image Ops EFX, Keyframing, Layers, Loop Action, MSG (Modular Synthesized Graphics),Masking, Mosaics, Painting and Paint Synthesizer, PASeq (Paint Action Sequence), Preset Management, Sketch EFX, Special Projects, Studio Artist Video Tutorials, Temporal Effects,  Tutorials, Vectorizer, Wacom Tablets, Warping, Workspace Organizing.

Studio Artist Training Videos provide a set of video tutorials to help you get started using Studio Artist quickly.

If you are just dying to read an old school pdf manual, check out the Studio Artist User Guide.

The Studio Artist Users Showcase on Vimeo has a number of different Studio Artist generated videos and animations.

The post image is a painting of the Synthetik Software V5 mascot. 
Generated a screen grab image off of (where the mascot currently lives) to use as the source. 

I then went to the integrated Help Browser, clicked on the Paint Synth Macro Edit hot link in the Help Index page, then used the following macro edit commands to very quickly build my paint preset:
Make Paint Wet 1
Make Paint Self Similarity Mixer
Default DynamicPaint Regionize Edit

I then went to the Path Start control panel, and changed the Generator to Adv Watershed DM.

I then went to the Path Shape control panel, and changed the Region Pattern Type to Outline Skeleton.

I then hit Action and let the dynamic paint completely run. Which gives you a real nice abstract painting. 

But i wanted more edge detail, so i changed my Path Start Generator to Smooth Random 1, and changed the Path Shape control panel's Path Type to Curved.

I only wanted to paint the edges, so i turned on the Texture Range in the Path Start control panel.

I then reduced the brush size to get a finer paint stroke. I then Action painted with this very briefly for 3 passes, sizing down the brush size and the max path length in each pass.

So maybe a minute tops to generate it from scratch.

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