Studio Artist user Damping Factor has released a new music video for their audio track titled 'Dancing Diodes'. Most of the visual effects in the music video were generated using Studio Artist (pre V5.5 version). Let's check it out below.
Cool music and video, so thanks for sharing.
In watching this, i thought it might be cool to revisit some of the old colorized edge detection filtering effects and redo them as vector. Effects that have been around for awhile like Color Edge or Edge ip op (or even Gradient with it's parameters dialed in for this kind of look) now have vector output options in addition to the old raster ones.
But you can also now embed any vector ip op effects inside of the paint synthesizer. So the vector output of the ip op effect is available to be used as the internal bezier paths for the painting. The IpOp effect intelligently derives a set of vector paths from the source image (or whatever else you push though it (canvas, style, selection, etc).
But then you could also turn those IpOp embedded paint synthesizer actions into paint actions that contain an embedded bezier path frame.
In the former case, the bezier paths are derived live from the embedded IpOp when you playback the paint action step. In the later, the bezier paths are directly embedded inside of the paint action step.
The former case will paint differently if the source image is changed. The second later option will not change how they paint if the source image changes. Although you could override the passed through coloring of the embedded bezier paths from a different source or style, but the path that paints on would always be what was embedded in the paint action step.
Now the cool thing about paint action steps with embedded bezier paths is that they can keyframe over a series of successive frame times from the start keyframe to the end keyframe of the local path interpolation.
And Studio Artist V5.5 has different options to synch up the # of bezier paths and the individual path synch up ordering for the path interpolation as you mover from keyframe to keyframe.
So i think that would be a fun alternative to the more old school raster video edging styles.
We'll check out the specifics of how to do all of that above in a future tutorial post here.
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