Friday, April 30, 2021

Geodesic Fill-In battles with itself - who will win


We reconstructed the beginning of the PASeq to use the paint synthesizer to do the actual painting. Working with the exact same set of Threshold IpOp effects bezier curves we used in the last post.  All vector paint.  

We did this so that we can use it to keyframe interpolate Transition Context keyframe images.

So then basically the exact same thing as before. Except we really clamped down on those Mix ratios for the various gradient lighting effects that generate the geodesic  fill out phenomena.

We have it dialed in at a point where chaotic reaction-diffusion turbulence is playing out over multiple frames in the animation.  

It would be cool to add another level of auto-masking to isolate the dancer more, and associated all of this reaction-diffusion stuff with just the rendering of her.

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